About Us
The Full Story
The Chandra family has a long history of enterprise and commercial activity dating back to as early as 1820. The various fields included wholesaling, agriculture, international merchants, banking, flour and cotton mills and were conferred the prestigious title of Rai Bahadur by the British Empire, which was only given to very selected people throughout India and was symbolic of power and prestige in the country. Art House is Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier of products like Indian Veneer, Indian Cobble, Indian Sandstone, Indian Limestone, Natural Slate, Natural Marble, Natural Granite etc.
Rai Bahadur Seth Tara Chand became the treasure and Mayor of the city of Agra and remain so till the independence Era of India. The family were also the presidents of the Calcutta stock exchange-the premier stock exchange of India pre-independence.
In 1926 Indian marble works company was established with social and artistic philanthropy in mind, to support local artisans and their families whose ancestors built the most magnificent creation in marble - The Taj Mahal. During this period the marble workshop engaged more than 400 stone masons and made marble objects for prominent people including the viceroy of India. The most popular creation by the Indian marble works company was The Mughal Suite made for Doris Duke and James Cromwell, currently part of the Shangri La Museum in Hawaii. (designed by Bloomfield architects, recommended by viceroy of India).
Indian Marble works company originally formed for philanthropic purpose later became main stream business of the family and was restructured in 1980 by Naveen Chandra. The new company executed some of the most prestigious projects in India with extra ordinary stone and marble works.
His son Barun Chandra took the business to another level and spread the business globally and today the group has clients in U.S.A, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, Taiwan, Italy, France, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Dubai, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Thailand, Australia etc.